Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Interview: WC on

WC spoke to about the release of the Westside Connection album, Terrorist Threats.

There is no transcript, and the answers are posted in RealAudio format, so you'll need to install RealPlayer to listen.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Interview: WC on

WC spoke to to talk about the release of the Westside Connection album, Terrorist Threats.
SIXSHOT: How do you think you new album will impact hip-hop today?
WC: I think it is going to impact hip-hop today. I think it might be kind of hard for some people to digest because their body is so polluted right now with so much bullshit that is out there. When we drop this record it is going to be refreshing, it's going to be something a lot of people want to see, except if they don't have the balls for it. I don't know how else I should say it.
The whole interview transcript is available on at: